Progressive Pauser Role Ownership

Pauser Role Ownership

Loan terms generated by the Teller protocol are calculated algorithmically, within a unique off-chain environment. Thus, to mitigate off-chain risk, we have instituted a Pauser role on the specific market areas of the protocol.

Ownership of the Pauser role will expand with the maturity of the protocol, eventually given to the community.

Teller V1: Pauser Owned by Multisig

At launch, Teller V1 will support a Pauser role to be controlled by a Multisig. Owners of the Multisig will include teammates, investors, advisors, and community members. This initial governance of the protocol works to protect user funds if unforeseen situations are discovered. Control is distributed amongst a cohort of actors who are strongly incentivized to ensure the success of the protocol.

Teller V2: Pauser Owned by the Teller DAO

At release of Teller V2, we will transition ownership of the Pauser role to the community DAO. Teller DAO, owned by TLR token holders, will govern, propose and vote on when the role should be enacted. This facilitates both decentralized ownership of protocol safety guards, as well as a cross protocol method to mitigate risk.

Last updated